I would guess that no matter which genre of music you prefer, it’s pretty cool when the singer and an instrument “answer” each other, or otherwise directly interact with oneContinue readingThe Screaming Vocal & Guitar Interaction In Cemetery Gates
Year: 2018
DYHT: The Guitar Growl In Cocaine (Live – Just One Night)
For a short introduction on the “DYHT” tag and guitar growl, please see this other post. Unlike in the above referenced example of more subtle and less frequent guitar growl,Continue readingDYHT: The Guitar Growl In Cocaine (Live – Just One Night)
DYHT: The Guitar Growl In Rockin’ In The Free World
Intro This song came on the other day and it gave me the idea to create a tag here called “Did You Hear That?”. I have a tendency to noticeContinue readingDYHT: The Guitar Growl In Rockin’ In The Free World
Jimmy’s Eargasm During Kashmir At The O2 Arena Reunion Concert
The Led Zeppelin reunion show recorded on December 10th, 2007 at the Ahmet Ertegun Tribute Concert in London’s O2 Arena was a huge gift to us Zeppelin fans. They notContinue readingJimmy’s Eargasm During Kashmir At The O2 Arena Reunion Concert
What I Love About Led Zeppelin’s Live Version Of Whole Lotta Love
While my first post was about the band that started my love for music (and which was behind my initial inspiration for creating this website), this one will be aboutContinue readingWhat I Love About Led Zeppelin’s Live Version Of Whole Lotta Love
How my love for music began and why I owe it to Led Zeppelin
I might as well make my first post here about the band behind my initial inspiration for creating this website, as mentioned in my Welcome post. When I was aroundContinue readingHow my love for music began and why I owe it to Led Zeppelin
Welcome & Origins
Welcome to Auralgasmic! My name is Kevin. I created this website and I wanted to say a little bit about how it came to be. I suppose the first thingContinue readingWelcome & Origins