Why Join?

Joining this website not only allows you to comment on posts made by others but more importantly, you can even write your own!*

Share your favorite songs, bands or music-related moments and talk about what is so awesome about them!

Registering with us is free, and we promise we will never sell your information or send you a bunch of crappy emails that you never wanted in the first place.

* New members of this site are given the role of Contributor, which means that they can create a post (as a draft), after which it will be reviewed and likely approved by an Admin or Editor. This is an initial step we take in order to prevent spammers from posting unwanted content. Those who can show a track record of submitting suitable content will be considered for upgrade to Author. Authors have the ability to publish their own posts without relying on an Admin or Editor to do it for them.  Abuse of these privileges may result in either the user’s role being reduced to Subscriber, meaning they can only read posts and write comments, or termination of their account altogether.

Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a writer (I certainly don’t), you might surprise yourself! For more information on creating posts for this website, see this short guide. For more generalized information on creating posts in WordPress as well as some basic writing tips, see this page of the WordPress usage guide. Not all information there will apply to you as a content contributor here but most of it does.